Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Biggest Impact on History

Which polticial figure of the 1930s (such as Hitler, FDR, Stalin, or Ghandi) had the biggest impact on world history? Research your answer and put it on your blog.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

World War I viewpoints

"Construct" a persona representing an individual European in 1916. Establish details of gender, age, ethnicity, citizenship, class, and occupation. You need to research, present, and explain (on your blog) your persona's probable view of the war.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


On your blog, list the advantages and disadvantages of unionization from the perspective of one of the following: male factory laborer, female factory laborer, or industrialist. Sum it up by writing a conclusion that makes an argument for or against unionization. You should also include a picture and comment on 3 other students' blogs.